Ask for assistance on our social media channels! (at the very bottom)
Phoenix League Team Leader
Wunjo / Tyler Salvador
Phoenix League R&D Team
The following players act as representatives of the Phoenix League to their associated kingdoms and support the growth of the format throughout Amtgard. Please contact them if you have any questions or require assistance organizing or participating in PL events in your kingdom.
Team Members are listed as: ORK NAME (Facebook Name)
Pungkow (Paul Vaughn)
Crystal Groves
Rel (Kage Starr)
Raven (Zachary Swan)
Dragonspine/Polaris (it's complicated)
Kaadiart (Denny Caudill)
Emerald Hills
Raven (Adam Harrigan)
Tugen (Shane Shevlin)
Salad (Myles Rousselle)
Principality of the Nine Blades
Wunjo (Tyler Salvador)
Anne Cash (Amy Salvador)
Northern Lights
D'Gar (Travis McKinney)
Rising Winds
Manama (Craig Plazony)
Exikio (Matthew Exikio)
Principality of the Viridian Outlands
Arduan (Daniel Colin Birrell)
We do not yet have representatives for all kingdoms, please contact us on one of our social platforms if you know of someone running Phoenix League in a kingdom that we don't currently have a rep for.
If you are part of a kingdom that already has one or more reps and you'd like to become involved. Contact your local rep or Wunjo / Tyler Salvador for more information.